Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Definition of a Man

Man. That brute creature that seems to live in a constant battle with pride. The untamable, wild, and powerful. But what is man? What does a true man look like? I'm talking about the kind of man, like King David, that even God looks at and says, "That's My MAN!" Even more, how about the perfect Man, King Jesus, who never said a faulty word, never backed down from the truth, never apologized or asked for forgiveness (because He did no wrong), never fled as a coward, called out the "men" of His day, and much much more. What is man?

A man embraces adventure and sweeps his princess up into it
A man faces a challenge headfirst, even if the odds are against him
A man seeks true, heavenly wisdom and knows his own limits

A man seeks the truth, then fights to defend it
A man speaks the truth, even if it means sacrificing his life
A man lives and walks in the truth and trains his children to walk in it

A man is a brute beast, wild at heart, tough in nature,
But he has tamed power, the essence of meekness,
And he fights only in the wars worth fighting

He does this because he is a pursuer of peace,
A being that allows peace to be the umpire of every situation,
And places peace in the forefront of every solution

His meekness trains him to be a tranquil forest on fire within
A true man gains such control and power from gazing on the Flame,
The LORD of hosts, the embodiment of all things Manly and all things Feminine

A man lives in perfect balance with his body, soul, and spirit
He knows his center and lives life from the inside out
A man turns to the Higher Power for his power, submitting his rights

A man lives on his knees and walks in the Spirit
He would sacrifice his life for a friend
And lay down his pride to bless an enemy

He is not weak, but he embraces voluntary weakness
Fasting essentials, praying continually, and admitting his lack of ability
Not afraid to ask for directions, help, wise council, or a shoulder to lean on

A man loves his wife like Christ loves the church
He brings life to the relationship and defends the family at all costs
Through hard days and tough times, he still prays

He keeps his cool, but does not hide his emotions
Swagger is for boys, but men walk with dignity, power, and confidence
He is not easily angered, and his anger is righteous, tamed, and without fault

A man trains his boys to be valiant warriors, wise sages, and observant eagles
He leads the example for his princess daughters to find their courageous knight
He carries with him encouraging words and uses every moment as a lesson

His wife respects him because his character demands respect
She has no problem submitting to his council, and feels safe when she does
He leads her to the cross and does not allow her to love him more than God

A man does not say "yes" just to please another being
Where there is a question, his "yes" means "yes" and his "no" means "no"
A man knows when he should say "no" and lives in harmony with time

A man does not seek riches or man's empty praise
He knows that his only true inheritance comes from more of God's Presence
A man with riches gives abundantly and never loses his faith

He never loses his faith:
Not in tumult
Nor tribulation
Nor sleeplessness
Nor war
Nor lack
Nor abundance
He never loses his faith.

He is a man because God calls him a man
He does not name himself, but clings to the Father
He is man because God created him as such

That is man.

This list can continue. Please comment with more.